singer, idol BTS Jung Kook is so handsome that we can't wait to see his concert. by reporters 2022. 3. 5. SMALL BTS Jung Kook BTS 정국, 콘서트를 기대하게 만드는 훈남美 (엑스포츠뉴스 이정범 기자) 방탄소년단(BTS) 정국이 대면 콘서트를 6일 앞두고 팬들과의 만남에 텐션업된 기대감을 드러냈다. 지난 4일 정국은 방탄소년단 공식 트위터를 통해 '# LIST 좋아요공감공유하기 URL 복사카카오톡 공유페이스북 공유엑스 공유 게시글 관리 구독하기entertainment issue 'singer, idol' 카테고리의 다른 글 BLACKPINK's ROSE DAZED pictorial. (0) 2022.03.05 JENNIE, airport fashion...A bold ring with Chanel (0) 2022.03.05 "Legendary Being" Lim Youngwoong topped YouTube Music's list of views on the 28th. (0) 2022.03.05 Taeyeon, "Killing Voice" has 10 million views!Proof of "Replaceable Vocal Queen." (0) 2022.03.04 'Three Crowns' Espa, the most among the girl groups that have won the Korean Popular Music Awards! (0) 2022.03.04 관련글 BLACKPINK's ROSE DAZED pictorial. JENNIE, airport fashion...A bold ring with Chanel "Legendary Being" Lim Youngwoong topped YouTube Music's list of views on the 28th. Taeyeon, "Killing Voice" has 10 million views!Proof of "Replaceable Vocal Queen." 댓글 entertainment issueKdrama KPOP Kentertainment. I'll deliver the news quickly.구독하기