김태리, '2521'부터 전세대 마음 설레게 하는 셀프 인생네컷 [화보]
사진 : 잇미샤(it MICHAA) 배우 김태리의 봄 화보가 공개됐다.29일 여성 패션 브랜드 잇미샤(it MICHAA)가 브랜드의 뮤즈인 배우 김태리와 함께한 2022 SUMME
Actress Kim Tae-ri's spring pictorial has been released.
On the 29th, female fashion brand It MICHAA released the 2022 SUMMER campaign pictorial with actress Kim Tae-ri, the brand's muse.In the released pictorial, actress Kim Tae-ri, who plays Na Hee-do in the tvN drama "Twenty-five Twenty-one," created a different atmosphere with a self-studio atmosphere.
Through the slogan "It's Me," the campaign portrayed Kim Tae-ri as a free, passionate and confident "I."With a selfie life shot concept that shows the most precious and most beautiful moments, Kim Tae-ri captivated the viewfinder by showing off her unique lovely figure in every cut.
Meanwhile, Kim is working with Nam in the tvN drama 'Twenty-five Twenty-one.'