이수지, 싸이의 잃어버린 쌍둥이 동생 서로를 알아봤다
(엑스포츠뉴스 김현정 기자) 코미디언 이수지가 싸이와 남매인 듯한 착각을 불렀다. 이수지는 1일 인스타그램에 우린 드디어 만났고...서로가 서로를 알아보았다 #슈지 #싸이# 감격
(Export News reporter Kim Hyun-jung) Comedian Lee Soo-ji called for the illusion that Psy and his siblings were siblings.
Lee Soo-ji posted on Instagram on the 1st, "We finally met...We recognized each other #Shuzi #Psy #Touched # Cheap 90,000 years old.
Lee Soo-ji is taking photos with Psy smiling brightly.The twin-like visuals stand out.
Musical actor Kim Ho-young was surprised, saying, "Oh my God."Comedian Kim Young-hee said, "LOL," while broadcaster Cho Choong-hyun said, "LOL. It's exactly the same."LOL," he said.
Internet users responded by saying, "Are you a twin, too?" "Are you a brother or sister?" "Is it a left or right twist application?" "Oh my, oh my, oh you look a lot alike."
Lee Soo-ji, who is about to give birth, has signed an exclusive contract with IHQ.Lee Soo-ji said, "I chose an exclusive contract because it fits well with the direction of my activities and above all, IHQ has solidified its position in the entertainment market.We will try to deliver a lot of laughter and happy energy to the public in the future.
Photo: Lee Soo-ji's Instagram
Reporter Kim Hyun-jung