육성재 “데뷔 10주년 축하합니다” 자체발광 미모
그룹 비투비의 육성재가 데뷔 10주년을 자축했다. 육성재는 21일 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 인스타그램을 통해 “벌써 10년! 항상 너무나 감사드립니다 멜로디(비투비 팬덤명)
Yook Sung-jae of the group BTOB celebrated his 10th anniversary.
Yook Sung-jae said on his social networking service (SNS) Instagram on the 21st, "Already 10 years! Thank you always.Melody (BTOB's fandom name) posted a picture of herself with a message, "Let's continue to sing!"
In the picture, he is looking at the camera in a dark sweatshirt and a beanie.Despite his unpretentious appearance, he captivated fans with his clear features and warm atmosphere.
Fans "I love you" and "Congratulations on your 10th anniversary" on Yook Sung-jae's post.Let's be happy in the future." "Well done."Let's continue to sing."
Meanwhile, Yook Sung-jae will star in the MBC drama 'The Golden Souser.'"Golden Spoon" is based on a webtoon of the same name, which is a story of a child born in a poor family, changing his fate with a friend born in a rich family through a golden spoon that he accidentally got.